Finding Your Creative Space

Finding Your Creative Space

What is it?

When it comes to fostering innovative ideas and enhancing creativity, having a creative space is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you are anything like me, you might be unfamiliar with the term “creative space”.  On the simplest level, a creative space is your escape. It is a place where you can carve out time for yourself to reflect and create without distractions. It should be an optimized environment that allows you to embrace your possibilities and opportunities. Though this concept is something everyone should consider doing, not everyone makes that dedicated space for themselves.

Why do Most People Not have a Creative Space?

So what’s the hold-up? If creative spaces are so beneficial, why do most people not have one? There are several reasons why so many people do not take advantage of creative spaces and the benefits it provides. The main culprit is often either the lack of space or the cost associated with its creation. 

I mentioned earlier that a “creative space” should be a place to escape and, yes, create. Many imagine this to be a room for their artistic side. While this may be the right creative space for some, I challenge you to think outside of the box. Your creative space does not have to cost much at all. In fact, you may already have one. It could be an office, or the back corner of a library, a special place in the woods, the gym, or even the shower. While we suggest you have somewhere to write down your thoughts, the place where you feel inspiration and the freedom to let your thoughts swirl can be your creative space. And it doesn’t have to cost a thing. All it takes is a little area that you can visit on occasion to stimulate new ideas and allow you to connect deeply and grow those connections.

Tips on How to Build A Creative Space

  • Use Natural Light: According to the Journal of Environmental Psychology, natural light, encourages creativity and feelings of freedom. Being in a naturally lit room ( or outside) has amazing positive effects. It can result in a less anxious, more productive, and happier you. 
  • Use Yellow and Green Colors: Though you can choose any color you want, yellow and green are considered emotional colors. They represent optimism and confidence respectively. By incorporating these colors into your creative space, you are stimulating your creativity and positivity.
  • Fill It with Inspiration: One of the best things you can do is to create an inspiration board for your space ( Or write a motivational quote on your Mirror). You can add anything you want to your board to help inspire you (quotes, colors, pictures). It should be a gentle reminder to let your thoughts wander. If your creative space is more activity-related, we highly suggest an inspiration board you can keep in your room and look at daily. 

Get Creating!

A creative space can benefit you both in your personal and work-related life. For most people, it is rather challenging to come up with new, creative ideas when they are in a vacuum. They need to have a stimulating space where they can go to solve problems, reflect, and cultivate new ideas that can help them grow. Everyone needs a place to go that enriches mental energy because humans thrive on that kind of stimulation. When you dedicate a space for yourself, you are allowing the environment to speak to you by reinforcing your messages and illuminating your values opening the door for creative thought.

So, if you genuinely want to connect with yourself on a deeper level and appeal to your senses, make a creative space for yourself and see just how much it can support your mental, emotional and physical being! 

Want to know more about building your space? Create the perfect environment
Interested in making an inspirational vision board?  Create your vision  


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