How to work through goals when going through a rough patch
Most of us have been through difficult periods in life. Times of loss, grief, separation, despair, uncertainty and stunted growth. None of us feel comfortable in those spaces and no one needs to stay there. I’ve always believed that everything in life is a choice, at least in part. Sometimes life throws us a rotten apple; for me, I compost that apple and later use it to add valuable nutrients to my soil. New growth starts there.
It’s easy to get distracted during difficult times especially when you do not feel as if you’re making progress you desire. So how do you work through your actions steps when going through a rough patch?
Self Check-Ups
Be sure to schedule time to conduct self-check ins. What did you do today? The action take daily determines your tomorrows. Was today’s action in alignment with the action steps you detailed in the goal setting section of your Action Map?

Simplify Your Focus
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, change it up. Simplify the process. Instead of focusing on every focus area focus on just one. Are you breathing yet? I sure hope so! It’s ok to choose one goal within one key focus area and give yourself a timeline of 6-8 weeks to achieve it. Simplify as necessary; the key is to keep moving forward.
Daily Positive Affirmation

Identify a daily positive affirmation to help keep you motivated throughout the day. Example: “I have the courage and strength to keep moving forward. I will achieve my goal of (list goal here).”
If you work from home write your affirmation on a sticky note and place it on the bathroom mirror.

Every time you use the restroom, recite it in front of the mirror with conviction and belief. Are you in meetings throughout the day? No worries, take a picture of your written affirmation and display it on your cell phone so that it is easily accessible while attending meetings or participating on conference calls.
There are many ways to help yourself engaged and positive during the rough times. When the going gets tough the tough gets going!
Don’t allow anything or anybody to steal your dreams and the life you were born to live.
✓ Follow your action map
✓ Make adjustments when necessary
✓ You’ll reach the destination of your dreams

The road can get rough but the destination is beautiful.