You have just spent the last hour or two digging into your goals and creating your annual dream board and a common question we get is, “Where should I put it?” We are glad you asked. We have a few ideas for you.
Let’s determine what the objective is of your dream board. Is it work related, a personal goal board, fitness focused, a dream vacation, or somewhere in between? What your board focuses on will determine the best place for you to display.
We suggest you hang it prominently where you will see it every day. Display it where others will see it too. This will undoubtedly spark conversations, which will further help you obtain your objective/dream. What a fantastic way to keep it going, right?!

If it’s work related, display it at your place of business – on your desk, wall or next to your phone. This is a great way to start conversations between coworkers and management. (This shows others that they too, can have a dream board to keep their business goals top of mind.) What a great way to show enthusiasm and your commitment to your job and company.
Ok, so it’s not work related…A Dream Vacay?? Fabulous! Display it in the main room your home. That’s usually in the kitchen or living room. You can put it on a bookshelf, end table, hang it to a wall, or even a door. By continuing to send messages to your brain about where you want to travel, you will no doubt be taking that vacation before you know it.

Trying to get fit? Display your board where you keep your work out bag, in your work out area or where you keep your exercise gear. Maybe that means hanging it on your bedroom door, bathroom mirror, or even in your closet. Wherever it makes sense to you, is where you should display it.
And our favorite place to display…your cell phone! Take a photo of your completed board and make it your screen saver. Research shows we look at our phones an average of 344 times per day. That’s 344 gentle reminders to stay the course and keep your plan in motion.

The point is, display it where it’s in a line of sight and you will see it every day.
We have more vision board tips in our Action Map Workbook, included in our kits.
Feel free to post your finished board on our FB page or send us an email. We love seeing your creations!