One Year From Now…Where Do I Want To Be?

One Year From Now…Where Do I Want To Be?

Where do you want to be one year from now?

 A lot can happen in 365 days. The person you see in the mirror today may be completely different than just one year ago, and that is okay. We are supposed to have aspirations, to evolve, grow, and work towards goals. This growth typically requires some change and some courage.

If you are in the exact same spot you were a year ago, then that means you are not moving forward. 2020 has taught us many lessons. This year has created challenges we never imagined and has forced us all to take a step back.  If the time passed you by, or COVID-19 threw a wrench in your plans you are not alone. There are many ways to foster personal development and become a better version of yourself even in today’s world. Take a moment, realign your goals, and imagine your life one year from now.


Where do I Start?

Before anything, take a few minutes to ask yourself these questions and really think about what the answers might be and how they will cultivate happiness for you. 


  • What do I want out of this next year?

  • Is there one word I can frame my year around to keep me focused?


  • What things do I want to accomplish?


  • What new skill can I learn?


  • Who can help me on my journey?


  • What are my main goals?

For each question, write down what you envision your life will be like one year from now and answer each based on the things you WANT to happen. In addition, it is important to remember to be realistic with your goals. We recommend 3-5 goals for the year. It is important to make your goals challenging, however, they still must be reachable.  If you find your goals are more long-term stretch goals (5+ years out), then try to create a few short-term ones that can build steps to keep you moving toward your stretch goals. 


 Make A Plan

A dream without a plan is just a dream. Let the answers from the above guide you. You can break them each down into something tangible. 

Goal setting is a challenge for most adults. Creating measurable goals is key to harnessing the ability to reach your goals. Come up with executable action items, timelines, and deadlines to follow so you can successfully complete the goals you set for yourself. If you need a bit more guidance take a look at our action map workbook here.




“A year from now, you’ll wish you started today”. Once you decide on what you really want to achieve don’t be afraid to jump in.

 We can all fall into the “I’ll start tomorrow” or the “I’m a Monday starter” crowd, but I urge you to do something today. Just one thing for the next 7 days that will get you started in the right direction.  Make the starting line today, and don’t give yourself any wiggle room to keep pushing that date. In the end, you and only you can change your life for the better. So, the person you need to keep motivated, on target, and driven is you.

And Stay Committed…

How many times do we create our goals and begin the process of completing them, only to fall off the wagon two weeks later? Commit to making your dreams happen. The MOST important step you can take is to write your goals down. According to a Harvard Business study, individuals who have goals are 10 times more successful than those who do not have tangible goals. Even more surprising, of those who have goals, the 3% that write them down, are an additional 3 times more successful than those who have simply created their goals.

If you do get off track, it’s never too late to re-ignite your drive and start again. YOU have to keep yourself accountable. If you need a visual reminder, like so many of us, we recommend you take a look at creating a vision board. Place your board in your home or near your desk so that you can see it every day and remind you what you’re striving for.


Quick Tip – Track Progress


Make sure that you do weekly check-ins ( or monthly – we all get busy) and track your progress as you go. It can be hard to see how far you have come or to get discouraged during your journey. For example, many people trying to lose weight give up because they do not see any differences. However, those who take progress pictures or before/after photos can clearly see the changes, and that helps to keep them motivated. Take photos of your progress, journal your progress, share your progress with friends and family. Your close circle can also help you keep accountable.

Can You See It?

purple success key on keyboard in place of the enter key

Picture yourself a year from now; that house you want to buy, the business you want to start, that dress you want to fit. Write it down, build a plan, and get going! It may not be easy, but challenging ourselves and exercising some determination can lead to the best growth. One year from now you can be closer to reaching your dreams.

Don’t get discouraged, and ask for help when needed. Be committed, and as each day goes by, be confident in knowing that you are a little closer to that end result. 

Remember, one year from now, 365 days will have gone by. What will you do with them?




Struggling with goal setting? Check out our step by step workbook


Want to build your dream board? Create your vision


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