10 Items That Should be on Your Vision Board for Ultimate Success

10 Items That Should be on Your Vision Board for Ultimate Success

Congratulations! If you have made it to this blog, then you have been doing some serious searching on how to goal set and build the best vision board. Whether it is your first time, or your 15th time, we are here to help you design the most effective and aesthetic board. Maybe you are hosting your next team building virtual event, or just trying to take your board to the next level. Take a look at the tips below to build your best vision board (and team building event) yet.

New to vision boards? Check out our blog on 6 Easy Steps to Building an Intentional Vision Board.

Here are the Top 10 items to include on your vision/dream board.

1. Use SMART Goals

What is the number one thing to go on your Vision Board? Goals of course. A vision board is a tool used to help you get closer to achieving your goals for the next year. This means you should take your time to develop these goals and what your vision looks like for the next year.

Be specific

So you have determined your goals – now we need to make sure those goals are specific and measurable.
SMART Goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

And most importantly, you have to write them down. Writing down your goals in a clear and specific manner is essential for your vision board. This helps to create a clear picture of what you want to achieve and how you plan to achieve it.

For more information on how to write the best goals, check out this blog for more tips.
Goals – Jumping in Head First

2. Prioritize Your Goals

Now that you’ve specified your goals, you’ll want to place those goals in order of priority. We want you to challenge yourself and reach for new goals, however we also caution to select a few important and attainable goals ( 3-5). If you have too many goals you may get overwhelmed and you board will not help you reach your goals.

Worried about setting too many goals? Check out our blog on how many is too many? Goal Setting Overload – How Many Goals are Too Many?

3. Choose a Theme

This is where things begin to get fun for the artistic types. We suggest you choose a theme to follow, this could be a color or style to use throughout the board. Customize your design: Use colors, fonts, and images that reflect your personal style and preferences. This will help to make your vision board more visually appealing and inspiring.

Our company can provide you with a super simple and ready-to-create kit that contains high resolution graphics in a variety of colors to help improve the aesthetic appeal of your board.
Shop Our Vision Board Themes

4. Choose a Word of the Year

You’ve selected your goals, organized your priorities, and selected your theme, what else does a vision board need. We want to introduce you to the idea of a Word of The Year. Selecting a word of the year is another way to give your year and board a purpose. Is there a character trait you want to embody? Do you have a word that sums up what you want to see from your goals? Try to pick one word that can help motivate you and keep you on track for the next year.
Learn more about choosing your Word of the Year HERE

5. Inspiring Quotes / Affirmations

Add things that inspire you! That quote you see on the wall at the gym, or an excerpt from one of Thoreau’s books. Add quotes that can help keep you on track. Adding these items on your board will increase your motivation and drive and it will remind you why you are on your journey. Add your own little spice by adding images of those you admire whether it is a mentor or a celebrity.

You may also write personal affirmations. Instead of using pre-written affirmations, write your own personal affirmations that reflect your values, goals, and aspirations. Use language that resonates with you and inspires you to take action.

6. Photos

“A Picture is worth a thousand words” – Often an image can bring you more motivation than a mere word. Use personal photos – instead of using generic pictures from magazines, use personal photos that represent your goals and aspirations. For example, if your goal is to travel to a particular destination, use a photo of yourself at that location.

You can also search the internet for photos that specifically represent your goals. While physical and tangible goals are extremely important to have on your vision board, we challenge you to get a little creative. Find additional ways to represent your goals on your vision board.

7. Dreams / Stretch Goals

A stretch goal is a goal that is beyond what is currently considered achievable or realistic. It is a goal that requires an individual or organization to push themselves beyond their current capabilities, skills, or resources to achieve it. A stretch goal is often used to inspire and challenge individuals or teams to reach for a higher level of performance and achieve greater success. Stretch goals are often set in situations where the status quo is no longer sufficient or where significant change is required to achieve a desired outcome. The process of pursuing a stretch goal can help individuals and organizations to develop new skills, innovate, and achieve breakthrough results.

Put that photo of the dress you want to fit into, or that vacation you want to take. Do you have an image of the home you want to buy, the business you want to own? Vision boards are meant to be visual. Adding a stretch goal or two to your board can help put your current goals in context and it can give you purpose.

8. Personal Touch & 3D Elements

Drawings, images off the internet, personal images people, and places you love – add your own twist in there. Put photos of your family, work team, or your favorite photo of yourself. It is important to remember the people who can help keep you accountable and to remember where you have been. A vision board is just as much about reflection as it it about the future and you get to bring those people and teams with you when your grow. To remember where we have been is to remember where we are headed. It will help you see your progress.

If you really want to make your Vision board stand out consider using different art elements and creating tools to give your board a 3D look. This can include images, charms, embellishments, foam stickers, and pins, which will help to create a tactile experience and make your vision board more engaging. Maybe you want to be able to move things on your board, pins allow that flexibility. Add some fabric for texture to make your board unique.

Check out our inspiration charms boxes that can be added to our ready made kits. Make your best board yet.

9. Gratitude List

It’s important to cultivate gratitude in your life. Adding a gratitude list to your vision board can help you to focus on the positive things in your life and to reflect on all you are grateful for.

Here are some examples of things to include on a gratitude list are:
-Personal relationships: Friends, family members, mentors, and anyone else who has had a positive impact on your life.
-Health and wellness: Good health, access to medical care and the ability to engage in physical activity
-Career and financial stability: A fulfilling job, stable income, ability to provide for your basic needs
-Personal achievements: Accomplishments that you are proud of, no matter how big or small they may be
-Life Experiences: Positive experiences that have enriched your life such as travel, education, and hobbies
-Nature and the environment: The beauty of the natural world, access to clean water and air, and the ability to enjoy outdoor activities.
-Spirituality and faith: Your spiritual or religious beliefs, and the sense of peace and comfort that they bring you.
-Material possessions: Any material possessions that bring you joy and make your life easier or more comfortable.
-Acts of kindness: Gratitude for the people who have shown you kindness and generosity, as well as opportunities to pay it forward and help others.
-Everyday blessings: Small things that we often take for granted, such as access to food and shelter, the ability to breathe and move, and the beauty of the world around us.

10. Celebration Plans

Do not skip out on this step! How will you celebrate your successes. Put these rewards on your board. Some of us are money or rewards motivated. Don’t hide those rewards, put them on your board to keep you motivated or to get you back on track.

What else do you add to your vision board to make it memorable and inspiring? We’d love see your comments below!